Various clients which is mainly for ad-hoc work: African Financial Group, Astute, Bell Equipment, Bridgestone, CAA, Chrometco, Discop Africa, B Doyle and Associates,  Fulcrum Group, Insimbi,  Institute of Directors, Kwikot,  Michael Judin Attorneys,  Northam Platinum,  AFHCO,  Pride of , Africa,  Rand Water, Rosond,  RWFC,  SAA, Sentula Mining,  T Systems,  Total, UmnothoWesizwe, Zenex Foundation,  ZEST Weg,  Famous Brands,  Iziko, Mazwe Credit, Parnis Engineering, UBank,  Rail 2 Rail,  Monash, Various private clients and attorneys. Telesure Investment Holdings (Auto & General); SA Corporate; Redefine Properties, Steyn City, MerSETA. Noblesfontein Wind Farm, Growthpoint, Insurance Institute of South Africa NPO.
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